Package rocr-runtime: Information

  • Default inline alert: Version in the repository: 6.0.0-alt0.4

Source package: rocr-runtime
Version: 6.0.0-alt0.3
Latest version according to Repology
Build time:  Apr 4, 2024, 05:40 PM in the task #337400
Category: System/Libraries
Report package bug
License: MIT
Summary: HSA Runtime API and runtime for ROCm
AMD's implementation of the core HSA Runtime API's.

List of rpms provided by this srpm:
hsa-rocr-devel (x86_64, ppc64le, aarch64)
libhsa-runtime1 (x86_64, ppc64le, aarch64)
libhsa-runtime1-debuginfo (x86_64, ppc64le, aarch64)

Maintainer: Konstantin Lepikhov

List of contributors:
Konstantin Lepikhov

Konstantin Lepikhov

    1. clang17.0-devel
    2. cmake
    3. gcc-c++
    4. hsakmt-rocm-devel >= 6.0.0
    5. lld17.0
    6. llvm17.0-devel
    7. libdrm-devel
    8. libelf-devel
    9. rocm-device-libs >= 6.0.0
    10. xxd

Last changed

March 18, 2024 Konstantin Lepikhov 6.0.0-alt0.3
- BR: relax rocm components version requires.
- Bootstrap with llvm.
- Try to enable all 64-bit arches.
Dec. 28, 2023 Konstantin Lepikhov 6.0.0-alt0.2
- Added loongarch support (upstream PR #168).
Dec. 24, 2023 Konstantin Lepikhov 6.0.0-alt0.1
- rocm-6.0.0.