Package os-autoinst: Information

  • Default inline alert: Version in the repository: 4.6-alt16

Source package: os-autoinst
Version: 4.6-alt14
Latest version according to Repology
Build time:  May 1, 2024, 01:08 AM in the task #347127
Report package bug
License: GPLv2+
Summary: OS-level test automation
The OS-autoinst project aims at providing a means to run fully
automated tests. Especially to run tests of basic and low-level
operating system components such as bootloader, kernel, installer and
upgrade, which can not easily and safely be tested with other
automated testing frameworks. However, it can just as well be used to
test applications on top of a newly installed OS.

List of rpms provided by this srpm:
os-autoinst (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, aarch64)
os-autoinst-debuginfo (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, aarch64)
os-autoinst-openvswitch (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, aarch64)

Maintainer: Alexandr Antonov

    1. /usr/bin/qemu-system-i386
    2. autoconf
    3. automake
    4. cmake
    5. ctest
    6. gcc-c++
    7. git-core
    8. icewm
    9. ispell
    10. ispell-en
    11. python3-module-setuptools
    12. qemu-aux
    13. libopencv-devel
    14. qemu-img
    15. rpm-macros-cmake
    16. rpm-macros-ninja-build
    17. libtool
    18. systemd
    19. tigervnc-server
    20. xterm
    21. xterm-console
    22. yamllint
    23. ninja-build
    24. perl(Carp/
    25. perl(Class/Accessor/
    26. perl(Crypt/
    27. perl(Data/
    28. perl(Devel/
    29. perl(Exception/
    30. perl(ExtUtils/
    31. perl(ExtUtils/
    32. perl(File/
    33. perl(File/
    34. perl(File/
    35. perl(IPC/Run/
    36. perl(IPC/System/
    37. perl(Inline/
    38. perl(
    39. perl(JSON/
    40. perl(JSON/
    41. perl(Module/
    42. perl(Mojo/
    43. perl(Mojo/IOLoop/
    44. perl(
    45. perl(Net/
    46. perl(Net/
    47. perl(Net/
    48. perl(Net/
    49. perl(Net/
    50. perl(Perl/
    51. perl(Perl/
    52. perl(Pod/
    53. perl(Pod/
    54. perl(Socket/
    55. perl(Term/
    56. perl(Test/Code/
    57. perl(Test/
    58. perl(Test/
    59. perl(Test/
    60. perl(Test/Mock/
    61. perl(Test/
    62. perl(Test/
    63. perl(Test/
    64. perl(Test/
    65. perl(Test/
    66. perl(Test/
    67. perl(Test/
    68. perl(Test/
    69. perl(Test/
    70. perl(Test/
    71. perl(Time/
    72. perl(Try/
    73. perl(XML/
    74. perl(XML/
    75. perl(YAML/
    76. perl(
    77. perl-IO-stringy
    78. perl-Package-Generator
    79. perl-Pod-Spell
    80. perl-Test-Warnings
    81. perl-devel
    82. perlcritic
    83. pkgconfig
    84. pkgconfig(fftw3)
    85. pkgconfig(libpng)
    86. pkgconfig(sndfile)
    87. pkgconfig(theoraenc)

Last changed

Dec. 25, 2023 Alexandr Antonov 4.6-alt14
- update to current version
Oct. 20, 2023 Alexandr Antonov 4.6-alt13.1
- Disabling 13-osutils.t for aarhc64, ppc64le architectures
Oct. 13, 2023 Alexandr Antonov 4.6-alt13
- update to current version