Package openxr: Specfile

%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1

Name: openxr
Version: 1.1.36
Release: alt1

Summary: An API for writing VR and AR software

License: Apache-2.0
Group: System/Libraries

Source: %name-%version.tar

BuildRequires(pre): rpm-macros-cmake

BuildRequires: cmake gcc-c++ ctest
BuildRequires: glslang glslang-devel
BuildRequires: libffi-devel libXau-devel libXdmcp-devel
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(egl)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gl)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glu)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(jsoncpp)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(vulkan)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(wayland-client)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xxf86vm)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcb-icccm)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcb-keysyms)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcb)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcb-glx)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcb-randr)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcb-dri2)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xrandr)

Requires: lib%name = %EVR

OpenXR is an API specification for writing portable, cross-platform,
virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) software.

%package -n lib%name
Summary: Libraries for writing VR and AR software
Group: System/Libraries

%description -n lib%name
This package contains the library needed to run programs dynamically
linked with OpenXR.

%package devel
Summary: Headers and development files of the OpenXR library
Group: Development/Other
Requires: lib%name = %EVR

%description devel
Development files for the OpenXR library. Install this package if you
want to compile applications using the OpenXR library.


%cmake \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebinfo \


# drop duplicate license
rm -v %buildroot%_docdir/openxr/LICENSE



%files -n lib%name

%files devel

* Thu May 02 2024 Mikhail Tergoev <> 1.1.36-alt1
- 1.1.36

* Tue Mar 26 2024 Mikhail Tergoev <> 1.0.34-alt1
- initial build for ALT Sisyphus