Package firefox-esr: Information

Source package: firefox-esr
Version: 115.2.1-alt2
Latest version according to Repology
Build time:  Sep 21, 2023, 01:16 PM in the task #329982
Category: Networking/WWW
Report package bug
License: MPL-2.0
Summary: The Mozilla Firefox project is a redesign of Mozilla's browser (ESR version)
The Mozilla Firefox project is a redesign of Mozilla's browser component,
written using the XUL user interface language and designed to be

List of rpms provided by this srpm:
firefox-esr (x86_64, i586, armh, aarch64)
firefox-esr-config-privacy (x86_64, i586, armh, aarch64)
firefox-esr-debuginfo (x86_64, i586, armh, aarch64)
firefox-esr-wayland (x86_64, i586, armh, aarch64)

Maintainer: Andrey Cherepanov

    1. /dev/shm
    2. libcairo-devel
    3. python3(curses)
    4. /proc
    5. glibc-kernheaders-generic
    6. libshell
    7. gst-plugins1.0-devel
    8. libcurl-devel
    9. gstreamer1.0-devel
    10. libstartup-notification-devel
    11. libstdc++-devel
    13. libdav1d-devel
    14. fontconfig-devel
    15. python3(setuptools)
    16. rpm-macros-alternatives
    17. libdbus-devel
    18. libdbus-glib-devel
    19. alternatives
    20. libdrm-devel
    21. python3(hamcrest)
    22. python3(sqlite3)
    23. libevent-devel
    24. autoconf_2.13
    25. autoconf_2.13
    26. libffi-devel
    27. libX11-devel
    28. libfreetype-devel
    29. libXScrnSaver-devel
    30. libXcomposite-devel
    31. libXcursor-devel
    32. libXdamage-devel
    33. libXext-devel
    34. browser-plugins-npapi-devel
    35. libXft-devel
    36. libXi-devel
    37. bzlib-devel
    38. libXt-devel
    39. chrpath
    40. clang15.0
    41. libalsa-devel
    42. clang15.0-devel
    43. libaom-devel
    44. pkgconfig(alsa)
    45. pkgconfig(aom)
    46. pkgconfig(bzip2)
    47. pkgconfig(cairo)
    48. pkgconfig(dav1d)
    49. pkgconfig(dbus-1)
    50. pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)
    51. pkgconfig(dri)
    52. pkgconfig(fontconfig)
    53. pkgconfig(freetype2)
    54. pkgconfig(gio-2.0)
    55. pkgconfig(graphite2)
    56. pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)
    57. pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)
    58. libvpx-devel
    59. pkgconfig(harfbuzz)
    60. pkgconfig(hunspell)
    61. pkgconfig(icu-i18n)
    62. pkgconfig(libcurl)
    63. pkgconfig(libdrm)
    64. pkgconfig(libevent)
    65. pkgconfig(libffi)
    66. pkgconfig(libjpeg)
    67. pkgconfig(libnotify)
    68. python3-base
    69. pkgconfig(libproxy-1.0)
    70. pkgconfig(libpulse)
    71. pkgconfig(libstartup-notification-1.0)
    72. pkgconfig(nspr) >= 4.35
    73. pkgconfig(nss) >= 3.86
    74. pkgconfig(opus)
    75. pkgconfig(pixman-1)
    76. libwireless-devel
    77. pkgconfig(vpx)
    78. pkgconfig(x11)
    79. pkgconfig(xcomposite)
    80. pkgconfig(xcursor)
    81. pkgconfig(xdamage)
    82. pkgconfig(xext)
    83. pkgconfig(xft)
    84. pkgconfig(xi)
    85. pkgconfig(xkbcommon)
    86. pkgconfig(xrandr)
    87. pkgconfig(xscrnsaver)
    88. pkgconfig(xt)
    89. pkgconfig(xtst)
    90. pkgconfig(zlib)
    91. libxkbcommon-devel
    92. libgio-devel
    93. rust >= 1.65.0
    94. rust-cargo >= 1.65.0
    95. python3(pip)
    96. lld15.0-devel
    97. llvm15.0-devel
    98. libGL-devel
    99. mozilla-common-devel
    100. libgtk+2-devel
    101. libgtk+3-devel
    102. nasm
    103. node
    104. unzip
    105. libhunspell-devel
    106. xorg-cf-files
    107. yasm
    108. libjpeg-devel
    109. python3(click)
    110. libnotify-devel
    111. libnss-devel-static
    112. zip
    113. libpulseaudio-devel
    114. zlib-devel
    115. libpixman-devel
    116. libproxy-devel
    117. libopus-devel

Last changed

Sept. 20, 2023 Pavel Vasenkov 115.2.1-alt2
- Restored build for 32bit archs
Sept. 8, 2023 Pavel Vasenkov 115.2.1-alt1
- New ESR version.
- Security fixes
  + CVE-2023-3600 Use-after-free in workers
  + CVE-2023-4045 Offscreen Canvas could have bypassed cross-origin restrictions
  + CVE-2023-4046 Incorrect value used during WASM compilation
  + CVE-2023-4047 Potential permissions request bypass via clickjacking
  + CVE-2023-4048 Crash in DOMParser due to out-of-memory conditions
  + CVE-2023-4049 Fix potential race conditions when releasing platform objects
  + CVE-2023-4050 Stack buffer overflow in StorageManager
  + CVE-2023-4052 File deletion and privilege escalation through Firefox uninstaller
  + CVE-2023-4054 Lack of warning when opening appref-ms files
  + CVE-2023-4055 Cookie jar overflow caused unexpected cookie jar state
  + CVE-2023-4056 Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 116, Firefox ESR 115.1, Firefox ESR 102.14, Thunderbird 115.1, and Thunderbird 102.14
  + CVE-2023-4057 Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 116, Firefox ESR 115.1, and Thunderbird 115.1
  + CVE-2023-4573 Memory corruption in IPC CanvasTranslator
  + CVE-2023-4574 Memory corruption in IPC ColorPickerShownCallback
  + CVE-2023-4575 Memory corruption in IPC FilePickerShownCallback
  + CVE-2023-4576 Integer Overflow in RecordedSourceSurfaceCreation
  + CVE-2023-4577 Memory corruption in JIT UpdateRegExpStatics
  + CVE-2023-4051 Full screen notification obscured by file open dialog
  + CVE-2023-4578 Error reporting methods in SpiderMonkey could have triggered an Out of Memory Exception
  + CVE-2023-4053 Full screen notification obscured by external program
  + CVE-2023-4580 Push notifications saved to disk unencrypted
  + CVE-2023-4581 XLL file extensions were downloadable without warnings
  + CVE-2023-4582 Buffer Overflow in WebGL glGetProgramiv
  + CVE-2023-4583 Browsing Context potentially not cleared when closing Private Window
  + CVE-2023-4584 Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 117, Firefox ESR 102.15, Firefox ESR 115.2, Thunderbird 102.15, and Thunderbird 115.2
  + CVE-2023-4585 Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 117, Firefox ESR 115.2, and Thunderbird 115.2
  + CVE-2023-4863 Heap buffer overflow in libwebp
June 27, 2023 Pavel Vasenkov 102.12.0-alt2
- Fixes: Unstable name collisions
         Build failure with GCC 13