Package qca-qt6-nss: Information

    Binary package: qca-qt6-nss
    Version: 2.3.8-alt1
    Architecture: aarch64
    Build time:  Apr 23, 2024, 04:11 PM in the task #345712
    Source package: qca-qt6
    Category: System/Libraries
    Report package bug
    License: LGPL-2.1
    Summary: QCA NSS Plugin
    This is a plugin to provide Mozilla NSS capability to programs that
    utilize the Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA)
    * Hashing

    Maintainer: Sergey V Turchin

    List of contributors:
    Sergey V Turchin

    Last changed

    April 23, 2024 Sergey V Turchin 2.3.8-alt1
    - initial build