Maintainer Elizaveta Morozova in the p10 branch: Information

Maintainer name: Elizaveta Morozova (morozovaes)
Built source packages in this branch: 6

Last changes

Jan 31, 2024, 06:31 PM

#338279 sent by Elizaveta Morozova

A BLAS/LAPACK wrapper library with runtime exchangeable backends
Python AST that abstracts the underlying Python version
A static analyzer for Python code
Ahead of Time Python compiler for numeric kernels
Image processing routines for SciPy
Jan 30, 2024, 06:03 PM

#335301 sent by Elizaveta Morozova

Portable library for fast volume rendering
amide is a program for viewing and analyzing medical image data sets
Jan 25, 2024, 08:35 PM

#338277 sent by Elizaveta Morozova

Modern, extensible Python build backend
Hatch plugin for versioning with your preferred VCS
Easy access to NIfTI images from within Python